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      Major Commands                    Secondary Functions
      --------------                    -------------------
 Alt-B  Scroll Back                    Alt-A      Run editor
 Alt-D  Dialing Directory              Alt-C      Clear screen
 Alt-F  DOS and File Functions         Alt-E      Local echo On/Off
 Alt-G  Run Script File (Go)           Alt-H      Hang-up modem
 Alt-J  Jump to DOS Shell              Alt-I      Screen Image
 Alt-K  Keyboard Definitions           Alt-T      Translate Table
 Alt-L  Capture File                   Alt-V      DOS command
 Alt-M  Misc. Functions                Alt-Y      Chat Mode
 Alt-O  Configuration Menu             Ctrl-@     Printer log on/off
 Alt-P  Comm Parameters                Ctrl-End   Send break signal
 Alt-Q  Queue Redial Last Numbers      Shift-Tab  Add line-feeds on/off
 Alt-R  Download (receive) Files       Alt-8      Status line on/off
 Alt-S  Upload (send) Files
 Alt-T  Terminal Emulation
 Alt-U  Usage Log
 Alt-W  Translate Table
 Alt-X  Exit Telix

         All of  these commands  should be  entered while  in  terminal
         mode. Many will prompt you for further courses of action.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson